Thursday 12 February 2015

JoCuLaR PiCzzz - Vote the Funniest Pictures of the Week.

More Pics After The Cut

Please dont laugh alone.Lol.Lmao. Share with all you love.


  1. Lol.O prefer the man who needs a bank to do for him 2 things.
    1.GIVE HIM A LOAN and then
    2. LEAVE HIM ALONE....lolzzz

    i would love to transact with such a bank. Lmfao.

  2. And i also love the people fleeing from Church when the Pastor proclaimed that someone is living with Ebola there in the church.

    They all took to their heels.looolzzz

  3. What's rather funny is d bride who lifted her huzzy.hahahaha

  4. I love the funnily dressed man proposing with a banana bunch...lool....girl HELL NO.Dont marry no guy who cant afford flowers,nor a decent ring. I bet he got that banana bunch from some farm. Most likely his and didn't spend a dime to get it. He isn't worth it. Kick his lazy ass off.

    but d lady is looking amazed...ooh my lol.What a

  5. I like d proposal pic better

  6. Lol.Funny.
